Album Facts
Flying Lotus - Reset Vinyl EP
Pre-Los Angeles, this EP set the tone of FlyLo's finest LA beats
Price $24.00
Format EP
Label Warp Records
UPC 801061922818
Color Black
Year 2008
Album Facts
Flying Lotus - Reset Vinyl EP
Pre-Los Angeles, this EP set the tone of FlyLo's finest LA beats
Price $24.00
Format EP
Label Warp Records
UPC 801061922818
Color Black
Year 2008
Startling Warp debut from California's FlyLo. Six cuts so original, so addictive so damn good it blew the beats scene wide open... Opening number 'Tea Leaf Dancers' is blue-haze soul filtered through the dusty crackle of old-vinyl and breathing, pumping compressed drums, a gorgeous vocal underpins the grace. The rest is audio-majesty a complex, gloriously layered E.P. Check the rest out and prepare to be amazed!